Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pocket PC Software:Pointui Magic Style for PocketPC.

New Features

- Weather update frequency now includes "Manual".
- Customisation (yes, we are Aussies so spell it with an 's'): Media Player - ok, a little techy at this stage, but you can now specify the path of your media player in the registry:

- In the key: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Pointui\Home\{your version} (i.e. version = 1.01b) create a new String value called App.Path.Media
- You can include in your path {Windows}, {Programs}, {ProgramFiles} which will get replaced with your device specific folders but if you do use them then don't start the path with a backslash
- The path can be to a shortcut or exe, and include spaces, but don't use any quotes
- An example value is: {Windows}\wmplayer.exe
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in

- Customisation: Email account
- You can specify a store name in a String value called App.Email.StoreName
- This will then launch to the specified inbox instead of Outlook mail
- The store name is CASE SENSITIVE
- It doesn't appear to break if you enter a dodgy store name - just doesn't do anything :)
- Unread message count indicator will be count of TOTAL emails across all accounts
- You NEED TO RESTART Home for this one to kick in

- Customisation: Tasks and Calendar
- You can specify an alternative app for Tasks and Calendar using the registry keys App.Path.Tasks and App.Path.Calendar
- If the alternative app requires command line args then you can supply them with the corresponding keys App.Path.Tasks.Args and App.Path.Calendar.Args
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in

- Customisation: Phone
- To use an alternative dialer (or if your device has the problem of when you click the Phone icon it freezes for 8 seconds, then you can specify an alternative dialer (or any app really) using the registry key App.Path.Phone
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in

- Customisation: Lock Screen
- To use an alternative lock screen application you can set the registry key App.Path.LockScreen. This should provide a workaround for Smartphone users who cannot get out of our lock screen.
- You don't need to restart Home for this change to kick in...
Bug Fixes

- Support for special folder locations other than the default English ones.
- Phone numbers now include all characters in addition to standard digits.
- When the Phone icon is clicked and there are no phone calls in the history it now works correctly instead of showing a grey bar at the top.
- Japan added to weather locations.


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